My brother is a mathematician that researches on issues related to the flow of gases in the atmosphere.
He runs tests on enormous amounts of data he has on cubic "pixels" of the atmosphere.
If he puts all this data on a database the tests become real slow, hence at one point I thought it would be great to implement all his tests in a large in-memory image.
If I had a 64 bit squeak I'd do it  :)



On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:50 AM, John M McIntosh <> wrote:
Ok, one of the objectives of building 64 bit Squeak VM hosting app was to let people explore solutions to address what a 64 bit image can do,
without the hosting harness it's hard to explore what's feasible.

A simple example is what happens if you have a 4GB 32bit image, although I've asked people if such a beast exists, no takers.

I'l note based on visual feedback at ESUG, and supporting hearsay you'll find *lots* of alpha developers using Squeak run on  OS-X, so let's push the envelope?

On 2009-11-16, at 4:32 PM, Eliot Miranda wrote:

> I concur :)  But that's partially my next target, both to have a more efficient object representation (class decode is very slow with the current one, we could do with immediate characters and in 64-bit immediate Floats) and to provide pinning for the threaded FFI.  Its probably hubris to imagine the product will scale to > 4Gb but I hope it won't be any worse :)
> - Bert -
John M. McIntosh <>   Twitter:  squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.