On 12-09-06 12:43 PM, Frank Shearar wrote:
On 4 September 2012 21:25, Chris Cunnington
<smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12-09-04 3:43 PM, Frank Shearar wrote:
On 4 September 2012 20:35, Chris Cunnington
<smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12-09-04 3:24 PM, Frank Shearar wrote:
On 4 September 2012 19:08, Chris Cunnington
<smalltalktelevision@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12-09-04 10:56 AM, H. Hirzel wrote:

It it correct to assume that you have released the code of your
Altitude application example

      Serving JSON at Altitude


under MIT?
Yes, although I haven't mentioned it anywhere.

This is cool. I think it addresses my question of how do you get data
the model to the view. I should be looking at #withLocator:. I needed
change a few things to make it work for me.


I made some notes to help me try to puzzle things together. They are
a shed snake skin, but they may be useful.


1. This uses an older version of Altitude, as it has ALLocator. That
removed for ALAbstractLocator to switch from using subclassing to the
Strategy pattern. The ALLocator is likely more comprehensible to me
To use ALLocator regress the install of the package AL-Application back

2. You don't need, with the newer Altitude, to add #initializeHandler
ALApplication subclass. As a default it was moved up to ALApplication.

3. I'm guessing in ParamLocator>>resourceForPath: that this:

caseOf: {
                  ['senders-of'] ->
                      [(SendersOf reflecting: aPath second asSymbol)
              otherwise: [ALNotFound signal: aPath printString].

might actually be this:

caseOf: {
                  ['senders-of'] ->
                      [(SendersOf reflecting: aPath second asSymbol)
              otherwise: [ALNotFound signal: aPath printString].

The period at the end of the #asResource block is stepping on the
#caseOf:otherwise: selector. And a subsequent second $} is missing.

4. The SendersOf class definition needs an instvar #selector

5. Temporary variable not required in Workspace.

6. The destination URL is http://localhost:9090/implementors-of/today
ParamLocator>>resourceForPath: we have 'senders-of' so perhaps the URL
should be http://localhost:9090/senders-of/today.

7. ParamLocator>>resourceForPath invokes ALPath>>second, which does not
exist. Added one:

      ^ self at: 2

8. #setName in SendersOf>>renderOn: suggests an instvar, but replace it
the string 'senders-of', which seems to do the trick.
I'm glad someone took the trouble to look so closely at the code, and
a bit embarrassed at all the problems. The reason for the problems is
simple: the code's hacked out of a fledgling project, and clearly I
didn't pay close enough attention to ensure the bits made sense ripped
out of their context. (SendersOf and its sibling Implementors of are
subclasses of something else that introduces the selector instvar.


I'm pleased you're not offended by my picayune observations. This is
quite a
useful demo for me to better understand Altitude and the Strategy
pattern. I
can see now that people are supposed to write locator classes as
of ALAbstractLocator as needed, which is what the blog post shows. Once I
saw what was supposed to happen it was simple to change it to work with
latest version of Altitude. Great blog post.
Thanks! The code's part of a larger project that will hopefully
eventually allow interesting things like having a browser-based IDE
talking to an image, or having HTML-y inspectors attach to a remote
image for debugging/inspecting running services, etc. The first step
in any of those kinds of applications is permitting reflection of the
image, and JSON seems like a natural fit: many languages have JSON
parsers, it's not terrible to read from a human perspective, and so
I hate announcing vapourware, so I haven't really spoken about it.
If you're interested in image inspection from outside the image, maybe
we can collaborate (as a start of which I should perhaps publish the
rest of the code!)
This sounds cool. I'd like to participate.

I really like the name Reflect-Core, so maybe what I should actually
do is just send you the original mczs, and you can fold it into
I'd like to look at them, for sure.
Cool! Attached. It's very preliminary stuff, I'll freely confess.





Delightful. Thanks for this. Your code is helping me map the rooms.
