Thanks for your note, David - yeah, long time, no hear.

Siren will be in “release” form in a couple of weeks; the current version is certainly beta.
It’d be great to have it on the Squeak projects site, and there are plenty of screen shots and short descriptions on and

I’ve been in touch with Juan about the FFI calls on Cuis…

Cheers and HappyNewYear!



Stephen Travis Pope    Ojai, California, USA

On Dec 29, 2022, at 2:00 PM, David T. Lewis <> wrote:

Hello Stephen,

It's great to see this, thank you for posting. I remember your work
from earlier days on the squeak-dev list, and it's really good to
see this update for both Squeak and Cuis now.

We should add a link for Siren from the
page. It is really good to see music and multimedia projects coming back,
and we also have a link from the projects page to Stephane Rollandin's
muO music objects project at

Regarding FFI questions, Marcel Taeumel on this list has been driving
recent development and can probably help. I know that Juan is planning
to do some updates for this in Cuis so hopefully we can get things
working consistently in Squeak and Cuis.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 02:05:10AM -0800, Stephen Travis Pope wrote:

Hello Squeakers!

I got the Siren GUI framework (mostly) running on Squeak6, and both the MIDI primitives and OpenSoundControl socket protocol are running, so one can write trios for built-in sound synthesis, MIDI HW/SW and OSC synthesis servers (e.g., CSL or SuperCollider instruments).

The screen shot below shows the GUI on Squeak 6; in the upper-left is the Siren control panel; below that is music notation example showing a scale (to test that the automatic layout works). At the bottom left is another music notation example based on a Siren event generator (a 4-voice stochastic cloud that focusses on a smaller interval while getting quieter).  The window in the upper-right is a display list view example/benchmark showing a huge display list: 20,000 @ 4000 pixels (note the size of the scroll bars) with 13,200 display items (random strings in different fonts, rectangles, lines, poly-lines and glyphs); it scrolls pretty snappily...


I???ll update the GitHub repo ( with a pre-built image for those who want to play with it.

The MIDI prims are compiled for Mac/M1only - can someone help out and compile them for other platforms?  My Linux and Windows virtual machines are pretty stale...

For more info, see:
PDF Document ?? 2.8 MB



Stephen Travis Pope    Ojai, California, USA