Morphic appeared in Squeak 1.19. You can download Squeak 1.18 from  It was the last MVC only release of Squeak. It runs well in my Windows netbook, with an appropriate VM. I'm using Andreas' VM from 1998.


Juan Vuletich

Quoting Bob Arning <>:

Morphic right from the start? As far as these change set go Morphic is there, but they represent additions to Squeak 1.31. Not sure about earlier versions. So the question is

Was there ever a version of Squeak without Morphic? Jecel, you know?


On 10/26/13 3:04 PM, H. Hirzel wrote:
Interesting view, Bob.

Clearly visible is when the idea of testing started to get track, when
Monticello and Etoys arrived.

Morphic seems to be there right from the start. Is that so?


On 10/26/13, Bob Arning <> wrote:
OK, first iteration of the graphical view is at

each column represents 200 change sets. The numbers in each cell are
number of chunks and number of bytes.

I'll clean this up a bit later.


On 10/26/13 8:42 AM, H. Hirzel wrote:
On 10/26/13, Bob Arning <> wrote: can give you a pretty good picture of the
evolution in this area.


does it contain _all_ the change sets from 1998 - 2008? It seems that
in 2008 the update mechanism was changed to Monticello files, right?

Did you think it would be possible of running an  from 0001 to 7179,
so to say "replaying the evolution"?

It would be nice to have a graphical display of which areas have been
touched and which ones not. Possibly in the form of a movie.... (e.g.
a rectangle representing a class category sized according to code size
with colors indicating changes, animated gif?)


"Just a test if the update broadcasting is working"
Transcript show: ' You got an external update'; cr.

'From Squeak 1.31 of Feb 4, 1998 on 8 May 1998 at 4:31:32 pm'


>From Squeak3.10.2beta of 5 June 2008 [latest update: #7175] on 5 June
2008 at 2:53:19 pm'

Juan Vuletich