Well, we usually ask the current UI theme about properties during widget initialization. Thus, you can override those props after the widget was created. Only if you then choose another UI theme, those props will be reset and overwritten because we did not yet implement a generic "wasOverridden" flag to avoid updates in those cases on a per widget-instance basis.

For more information, browse the implementors of #setDefaultParameters and also its senders, which are #initialize and #applyUserInterfaceTheme for (pluggable) widgets.


Am 26.03.2018 05:53:05 schrieb Chris Muller <asqueaker@gmail.com>:

> Maybe even per-editor instance preferences. Inherit the global as a default but allow changing at need. Need a UI to make it useful. Actually we really need some big improvements to the prefs/settings/style/font/colour stuff for editors anyway.

UserInterfaceTheme in the image does that. We did it in summer of
2016, the color themes work pretty well ever since.