MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>do: 14 May 2004 8:50:43 pm VM: RiscOS - a SmalltalkImage Image: Squeak3.7beta [latest update: #5905] SecurityManager state: Restricted: false FileAccess: true SocketAccess: true Working Dir ADFS::HardDisc4/$/Squeak/sq31 Trusted Dir ADFS::HardDisc4/$/Squeak/sq31/secure Untrusted Dir ADFS::HardDisc4/$/Squeak/sq31/untrusted UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #do: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: do: [] in ImageSegment>>comeFullyUpOnReload: {[:importedObject | importedObject class class == Metaclass ifTrue: [self d...]}...etc... Receiver's instance variables: nil ImageSegment>>comeFullyUpOnReload: Receiver: an ImageSegment Arguments and temporary variables: smartRefStream: a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 52 32 111 102 32...etc... mapFakeClassesToReal: an IdentityDictionary(Fake37ActorState->ActorState Fake37...etc... ccFixups: true receiverClasses: an IdentitySet() rootsToUnhiberhate: nil myProject: nil importedObject: nil aFake: nil Receiver's instance variables: arrayOfRoots: nil segment: a WordArrayForSegment(1929386342 45628 2317455652 54669824 2334087448 2334087540 2334087640 2334087664 2334087708 2334087736 2334087844 2334087860 2334087876 2334087908 2334087956 2334087996 2334088044 2334088112 2334088128 2334088176 2334088212 2334088228 2334088240 2334088252 2334088296 2334088312 2334088436 2334088452 2334088500 2334088516 2334088532 2334088588 2334088848 2334088852 2334088864 2334088876 2334088888 2334088900 2334088948 2334088964 2334088976...etc... outPointers: #(Array Project nil a Project(zzTemp) false PasteUpMorph true Tran...etc... state: #imported segmentName: nil fileName: nil endMarker: 17666->a WordArrayForSegment(1929386342 45628 2317455652 54669824 2334087448 2334087540 2334087640 2334087664 2334087708 2334087736 2334087844 2334087860 2334087876 2334087908 2334087956 2334087996 2334088044 2334088112 2334088128 2334088176 2334088212 2334088228 2334088240 2334088252 2334088296 2334088312 2334088436 2334088452 2334088500 2334088516 2334088532 2334088588 2334088848 2334088852 2334088864 2334088876 2334088888 2334088900 2334088948 2334088964 2334088976 2334088988 2334089000 2334089020 2334089472 2334089488 2334089500 2334089508 2334089544 2334089560 2334089576 2334089592 2334089620 2334089664 2334089680 2334089712 2334089760 2334089788 2334089804 2334089848 2334089860 2334089876 2334089896 2334089912 2334089928 2334089940 2334089968 2334089984 2334090036 2334090084 2334090132 2334090244 2334090316 2334090328 2334090340 2334090412 2334090460 2334090472 2334090504 2334090540 2334090552 2334090568 2334090584 2334090628 2334090644 2334090656 2334090672 2334090712 2334090752 2334090788 2334090804 2334090812 2334090916 2334090932 2334090944 2334090960 2334090972 2334090988 2334091036 2334091052 2334091084 2334091148 2334091196 2334091220 2334091228...etc... userRootCnt: 11406 renamedClasses: nil SmartRefStream(DataStream)>>next Receiver: a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 52 32 111 102 32 49 32 77 97 114 99 104 32 50...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: type: 16 selector: #readShortInst anObject: an ImageSegment isARefType: true pos: nil internalObject: nil Receiver's instance variables: byteStream: a RWBinaryOrTextStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 52 32 111 102 32...etc... topCall: #marked basePos: 144 references: an IdentityDictionary() objects: an IdentityDictionary(5->#('class structure' a Dictionary(#ActorState->#(0 'owningPlayer' 'penDown' '...etc... currentReference: 17661 fwdRefEnds: an IdentityDictionary() blockers: an IdentityDictionary() skipping: an IdentitySet() insideASegment: false structures: a Dictionary(#ActorState->#(0 'owningPlayer' 'penDown' 'penSize' 'p...etc... steady: a Set(Color MouseMenuController WriteStream DependentsArray Interval Sk...etc... reshaped: nil renamed: a Dictionary(#FlasherMorph->#Flasher ) renamedConv: a Dictionary(1->#Array 2->#Project 4->#Project 6->#PasteUpMorph 8->#TranscriptStream 9->#ChangeSe...etc... superclasses: a Dictionary(#ActorState->#Object #AlansTextPlusMorph->#ScrollPan...etc... progressBar: nil objCount: nil classInstVars: nil SmartRefStream(ReferenceStream)>>next Receiver: a SmartRefStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 52 32 111 102 32 49 32 77 97 114 99 104 32 50...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: curPosn: 17661 skipToPosn: nil haveIt: false theObject: false wasSkipping: nil Receiver's instance variables: byteStream: a RWBinaryOrTextStream a ByteArray(39 70 114 111 109 32 83 113 117 101 97 107 51 46 52 32 111 102 32...etc... topCall: #marked basePos: 144 references: an IdentityDictionary() objects: an IdentityDictionary(5->#('class structure' a Dictionary(#ActorState->#(0 'owningPlayer' 'penDown' '...etc... currentReference: 17661 fwdRefEnds: an IdentityDictionary() blockers: an IdentityDictionary() skipping: an IdentitySet() insideASegment: false structures: a Dictionary(#ActorState->#(0 'owningPlayer' 'penDown' 'penSize' 'p...etc... steady: a Set(Color MouseMenuController WriteStream DependentsArray Interval Sk...etc... reshaped: nil renamed: a Dictionary(#FlasherMorph->#Flasher ) renamedConv: a Dictionary(1->#Array 2->#Project 4->#Project 6->#PasteUpMorph 8->#TranscriptStream 9->#ChangeSe...etc... superclasses: a Dictionary(#ActorState->#Object #AlansTextPlusMorph->#ScrollPan...etc... progressBar: nil objCount: nil classInstVars: nil --- The full stack --- UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #do: ...etc...