
I am trying to get an old pure Croquet 1.0.18 code working on the latest Squeak 4.1 image.

So,  loading the latest FFI, CroquetGL, Tweak-Core, Matthew's Croquet-Kernel changes , and almost all code from an old Croquet-1.0.18 image, I managed finally to run the demos, yes!
But, the demos like SimpleDemo or KATDemo uses Tweak and it's bootstrap logic for initialization.

I have prepared an image to try (based on updated Squeak4.2-10160-alpha):
and "image with all needed content":

To run into the error, you should uncomment "self runTweakCycle, in #step (CroquetParticipantWithMenu).
I know that Matthew is using the new Tweak logic for getting Open Cobalt to work, but the idea is to have an old bootstrap code also working, as it should be and have a backward compatibility.

Is it possible to achieve?

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Andreas Raab <> wrote:
On 7/27/2010 4:10 PM, Nikolay Suslov wrote:

It seems to be, that bootstrap logic does not work anymore in new
Tweak-Core package, running on top of Squeak 4.1
For example: "CWorldPlayer run" fails, as CWorldPlayer instance could
not be properly initialized.

What could be the problem with this?

Some of this stuff got broken and I just didn't find the energy to fix it. Can you say a little more what concretely you're trying to make work? There may be easier way to do things now.

 - Andreas