On 29.05.2016, at 10:59, marcel.taeumel <Marcel.Taeumel@hpi.de> wrote:

marcel.taeumel wrote
Hi, there!

I cannot write this without the parser complaining:

number caseOf: {
  0 -> 1.
  1 -> 1.
} otherwise: { ... }.

Because what I should write is this:

number caseOf: {
 [0] -> [1].
 [1] -> [1].
} otherwise: { ... }.

I think that this is not for the parser to decide. Numbers do understand

Only since recently. Still not sure it’s a good idea.

Any object does. So this is fine. Am I missing something?

It reminds me of this mistake our students typically make at least once:

(someBooleanExpression) and: (someOtherBooleanExpression)
(someBooleanExpression) and: [someOtherBooleanExpression]
[someBooleanExpression] and: (someOtherBooleanExpression)
[someBooleanExpression] and: [someOtherBooleanExpression]

Sure, we can offer tool support to help in such situations. But the parser
is just too naggy. :-)


Okay, this was stoopid. ;o) I assumed an implicit comparison:

number caseOf: {
 [number = 0] -> [1].
 [number = 1] -> [1].
} otherwise: { ... }. 

Still, no need to force the result also into a block? Why not just modify
the implementation of #caseOf:otherwise: to make such comparisons if there
is no block given?

This is exactly the reason we resisted adding Object>>value for a long time, because it hides errors. E.g. your use of {} in the otherwise-case, which is wrong. Each case should be evaluated only when the matching condition is true, hence the need to use a block. Arguably the compiler should warn about not using a block as argument to ‘otherwise:'.

Perhaps a more Smalltalky way could be added if allowed binary and unary messages to cascade:

 number = 0 => [24];
= 1 => [42];
else =>  ['hi']

Btw this is how things worked in Smalltalk-76/78:

- Bert -