Hi guys. After a couple of efforts from Martin Dias and I, we have a "working" Fuel serializer for Squeak. I used the quotes because all I could do is to run tests.
Fuel is a binary serializer and you can find all the information in http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/web/pier/software/Fuel
This is a project sponsored by ESUG SummerTalk and mainly developed by Martin Dias.

I only tried in a Squeak 4.2 image. To install it:

(Installer monticello http: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss')
project: 'Fuel';
install: 'ConfigurationOfFuel'.

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFuel) project version: '1.8-baseline') load.

Most tests are green. There are only 2 categories of tests failing:
1) those under the category 'FuelTests-InternalMetalevel'. This is because Squeak has removed the traits there are in Pharo and hence most tests fails. However, this stuff of "InternalMetalevel" is only used if you want to serialize classes/traits completely. Most of the cases, the user just wants to serialize a class/trait as global (just serialize its name) and then during materialization it just searches the class. Of course, in the image where you materialize, such classes have to be present.

2) some tests that are long and it seems in squeak there is a timeout that make those tests to fail.

As always, we appreciate any feedback.

