
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 8:46 PM, Phil (list) <pbpublist@gmail.com> wrote:
my vote is for option b

On Sep 19, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Simon Michael wrote:


My question is: What should be done with the bots currently announcing in the #squeak IRC channel ?

a. Minor tweaks only, they are basically fine where they are.

b. Move them all to back to #squeak-in-depth or elsewhere, they are damaging #squeak!

c. Move the noisy commit bots to a separate channel, keep others where they are.

d. I have a better idea: ...

Please respond (any way you like) to this mail list thread to help me know what to do. Please do respond even if you are
happy with the status quo, so we get an accurate picture.
