'From Squeak6.0 of 15 August 2022 [latest update: #22111] on 27 January 2023 at 11:55:35 pm'! !DataStream class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'spfa 1/27/2023 23:55'! initialize "TypeMap maps Smalltalk classes to type ID numbers which identify the data stream primitive formats. nextPut: writes these IDs to the data stream. NOTE: Changing these type ID numbers will invalidate all extant data stream files. Adding new ones is OK. Classes named here have special formats in the file. If such a class has a subclass, it will use type 9 and write correctly. It will just be slow. (Later write the class name in the special format, then subclasses can use the type also.) See nextPut:, next, typeIDFor:, & ReferenceStream>>isAReferenceType:" "DataStream initialize" | refTypes t | refTypes := OrderedCollection new. t := TypeMap := WeakIdentityKeyDictionary new. "It has to be weak, because some classes may go away, leaving obsolete versions in this dictionary which may make it corrupt." t at: UndefinedObject put: 1. refTypes add: 0. t at: True put: 2. refTypes add: 0. t at: False put: 3. refTypes add: 0. t at: SmallInteger put: 4. refTypes add: 0. t at: ByteString put: 5. refTypes add: 1. t at: ByteSymbol put: 6. refTypes add: 1. t at: ByteArray put: 7. refTypes add: 1. t at: Array put: 8. refTypes add: 1. "(type ID 9 is for arbitrary instances of any class, cf. typeIDFor:)" refTypes add: 1. "(type ID 10 is for references, cf. ReferenceStream>>tryToPutReference:)" refTypes add: 0. t at: Bitmap put: 11. refTypes add: 1. t at: Metaclass put: 12. refTypes add: 0. "Type ID 13 is used for HyperSqueak User classes that must be reconstructed." refTypes add: 1. t at: Float put: 14. refTypes add: 1. t at: Rectangle put: 15. refTypes add: 1. "Allow compact Rects." "type ID 16 is an instance with short header. See beginInstance:size:" refTypes add: 1. self flag: #ByteArray. t at: ByteString put: 17. refTypes add: 1. "new String format, 1 or 4 bytes of length" t at: WordArray put: 18. refTypes add: 1. "bitmap-like" t at: WordArrayForSegment put: 19. refTypes add: 1. "bitmap-like" t at: SoundBuffer put: 20. refTypes add: 1. "And all other word arrays, both 16-bit and 32-bit. See methods in ArrayedCollection. Overridden in SoundBuffer." t at: CompiledMethod put: 21. refTypes add: 1. "special creation method" t at: CompiledBlock put: 21. refTypes add: 1. "special creation method" "t at: put: 22. refTypes add: 0." ReferenceStream refTypes: refTypes. "save it" "For all classes that are like WordArrays, store them the way ColorArray is stored. As bits, and able to change endianness." Smalltalk globals do: [:cls | (cls isInMemory and: [ cls isBehavior and: [ cls isObsolete not and: [ cls isPointers not and: [ cls isVariable and: [ cls isWords and: [ (t includesKey: cls) not ] ] ] ] ] ]) ifTrue: [ t at: cls put: 20 ] ]! !