Hi Chris,

On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 11:50 AM Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:
If the latter is the case, it would be a Heisentool, where the attempt of using it changes that which it is supposed to observe. :-P

Which is why I don't use the pointer explorer when I'm trying to clean all instance of a class out.  Instead:

    TheClass allInstances anyOne chasePointers

TheClass someInstance ifNotNil: [:obj| obj chasePointers]

Ah, I will start using #someInstance, but typing ifNotNil: is a lot more work than closing a debugger when no more instances.  Besides, wouldn't the Block Context's var, "obj" be another possible reference that #chasePointers might pick up on?

ifNotNil: is inlined.  It is equivalent to this, but saves the temp decl, which is why it's so nice.

| obj |
obj := TheClass someInstance.
obj == nil ifFalse: [obj chasePointers]

best, Eliot