On 3/27/06, Andreas Raab <andreas.raab@gmx.de> wrote:
It's test data to guarantee that floating point operations create the
same bit patterns across platforms (1 million samples per operation).
BTW, there is a "common" variant of those tests that run with a few
bytes only (by MD5-hashing and comparing it to the expected result) but
that doesn't help you understanding what is going wrong and where. In
any case, my inquiry wasn't about the concrete test but rather about the
issue of skipped tests in general. This example just reminded me of the
issue again (that I had thought about before when I wrote certain
platform tests).

Yes I know that your inquiry was about skipping test cases in general. (sorry if I was rude trying to explain myself, my English is not so good)

But, why I want to skip a test case? Only two cases come to my mind:

(1) Unfinished work: I have detected some bug or something must be done to make the test pass.
(2) The test needs resources that are not available to everyone (the example that you give).

The second case sometimes is caused because of a bad written test case, or a design failure (the objects are too coupled and you can't use mock objects).
But there are cases when the test is not "unitary" because you want to test the interaction with other systems or a complete user story.
In those cases the problem is that I want to use the SUnit framework to make the assertions and run the tests. But SUnit depends on classification to build the suite of all the test cases, so there is no way to make another "classification" for tests, all the tests are at the same level for the test runner. That was the point that I was trying to explain in my first mail.
