>     "Ensure computers serve humans, not vice-versa."

Thats certainly a principle , but serving computers is far rewarding. They also less like to complain, demand the impossible, and create an unexpectable mess of things.

Actually serving computer is the one thing that makes me love coding, that is something I can rely on that will give back the results I expect unless I do something stupid, in which case it wont annoy me with rude comments just let take my time and correct my mistakes.  Without saying I don enjoy and take pride when people use my code and find useful. But I love to code because I love computers and love to improve them.

Regarding the video itself, its the direction I want to go with my "Ephestos" project, combine visual programming and live coding, he definitely has some great ideas that I would love to try to implement. 

The problem with innovation is that is not driven by need and most of the time the benefits are not obvious. GUIs for example took decades to take off and even computers were for decades considered nothing more than computational devices . But when an innovation stands the test of time and proves its worth , living without it, is just unthinkable.