I don't say it's not possible, especially if you stay concentrated on one distribution,
It's perfectly do-able, and I wish success to the 3 main branches, Cuis Pharo Squeak.

What I say is that transporting packages from one distribution to another is a tremendous work.
Even if we have cleaned inter-package dependencies (most of this hardwork effectively comes from Pavel in Squeak/Pharo branches), we have to suffer from
- different choices for some basic API (includeSubstring: as example)
- different delimitation of packages (Take Pharo Text-Scanning as example)
- total lack of support from Monticello

I sometimes tries to port some low level code (Kernel, Graphics, Morphic, Collection) from one distribution to another, and often resort to using change sets, MC just do not work.

Even if we would improve tools, the first two points depend on a minimum of coordination, and it's not in the mood of Pharo developers.
Pharo want to be free of these chains, because it has to win a sprint:
- clean up the maximum of dust before the system is frozen by large user base...
It's not a critic, I perfectly understand this position, it's a deliberate choice.


2013/10/29 Edgar J. De Cleene <edgardec2005@gmail.com>

On 10/29/13, 5:42 AM, "Pavel Krivanek" <squeak1@continentalbrno.cz> wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> for Squeak we were able to shrink the system to a small kernel and
> reload and initialize the Morphic back long ago. In 2006. Two years
> before Pharo started to exist. The reason why Pharo can do it now and
> Squeak not is not technical.
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel

I take your mail for say MUCHAS GRACIAS for your work of all this years.
Extend to Guillermo and other people working on Hazelnut, Seed and related.
Wish know if you have a special list for this, Pharo list this days send too
many mails and los my focus.

To Nicolas, maybe I'm Dr. Frankenstein and like to build a Creature of best
parts of Squeak , Pharo and Cuis.

What I wish.

Kind of backwards compatibility which Pharo and Cuis lack now.
That do not means you must have a bad system.
Juan have a beautiful system and if I'm was younger stick to Cuis

Pharo seems the most serious, but again, change too fast to my taste.

This Wednesday we start Smalltalks 2013 here in Rosario


So I take the opportunity to talk face to face with bright people.
