Is there a location to pull from that would keep my image up to date with the ReleaseSqueakTrunk version of Squeak?  Or if I update my image, will parts start dissappearing?

Is the only way to continue to use the ReleaseSqueakTrunk to download occasional snapshots and move all the code into it?

Or is the trunk system still working off of the release version, but the SqueakTrunk job strips out the unloadable packages as part of its job?  and then the ReleaseSqueakTrunk loads them back in?

I guess I could figure this our myself, but just in case anyone else is wondering, I'll ask.


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 7:13 AM, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
Thank you Frank for the explanation, I consider it to be a useful metaphor.

"rehydrated" image vs. "dehydrated" image


On 7/28/13, Frank Shearar <> wrote:
> It's a term I picked up from work: SqueakTrunk is like a dessicated,
> dried out thing that's quite small, like a dessicated pea. But
> ReleaseSqueakTrunk is like the rehydrated pea, useful for cooking.

"rehydrated" = ReleaseSqueakTrunk

> As the package layering work proceeds, and more packages become
> unloadable, I unload them from SqueakTrunk.

"dehydrated"  = SqueakTrunk

> ReleaseSqueakTrunk takes
> that small SqueakTrunk artifact and reloads all those unloadable
> packages.

> The idea is that people just keep on using the ReleaseSqueakTrunk
> image, and without even realising it, are using a _constructed_ image,
> built up from some small core.
> frank
> On 28 July 2013 18:58, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
>> Question of clarification:
>> What do you mean by a 'rehydrated image'?
>> --HH
>> On 7/28/13, David T. Lewis <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 08:26:18AM +0100, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>>> On 28 July 2013 07:24, David T. Lewis <> wrote:
>>>> > I noticed that the VM tarball jobs on (InterpreterVM
>>>> > and
>>>> > CogVM jobs) have been failing for some time. These jobs use the
>>>> > latest
>>>> > trunk
>>>> > image from the SqueakTrunk job, which is supposed to be a base Squeak
>>>> > image
>>>> > updated from the trunk stream (see
>>>> >
>>>> > However, that image is missing the ST80 package entirely (which
>>>> > indirectly
>>>> > causes the VM tarball job failures).
>>>> >
>>>> > I tried to update the image (world menu -> help... -> update code
>>>> > from
>>>> > server) in hopes that this would load the missing packages, but this
>>>> > fails
>>>> > due to some other problem.
>>>> >
>>>> > The project comment for the SqueakTrunk job says:
>>>> >
>>>> >  * Take a base image (currently 4.5-12565), update it, archive the
>>>> > result.
>>>> >  * Run the entire suite of in-image tests.
>>>> >
>>>> > I think that I had mistakenly assumed that the "SqueakTrunk" job was
>>>> > a
>>>> > release
>>>> > image updated from the trunk stream, but actually it must be a
>>>> > stripped
>>>> > "base"
>>>> > image with packages reloaded, and maybe the reloading part has
>>>> > forgotten
>>>> > to
>>>> > install ST80. Is that right?
>>>> Yes. ReleaseSqueakTrunk contains a rehydrated/full fat Squeak image
>>>> _with_ ST80 and friends loaded.
>>>> Sorry! I should have noticed the failing builds and connected that
>>>> with the recent stripping of ST80.
>>> Not at all, it was not obvious that this was connected to the problem.
>>> I guess that once the package reorganizing settles down, it would be
>>> good to have some kind of sanity-check test to ensure that a rehydrated
>>> image contains the expected set of packages.
>>> Dave