i have a Windows 10 PC 
that is the size of a cellphone actually it's smaller
but heavier     and runs hot
it has WIFI HDMI Ethernet and USB
it's the only one with Ethernet i could find

i haven't looked for a Linux one yet

if i could get one with the 3 ports 
HDMI  Ethernet  USB

if it could be a rasberry pi with Squeak and Scratch
that could be nice    would that be nice?
or would just straight Linux be best
i guess i could just stick Linux on the Windows 10 device
And squeak and scratch or anything else
so I've got the ports i like 
HDMI Ethernet USB 
in this device
and i can stick Linux squeak scratch on there 
lots of different ways
so i guess you just get the ports you like
and then you can stick anything else on there you want
it doesn't have to remain Windows 10

i would like to make a tomatoe growing robot
that hanging tomato growing unit
has been sitting there for a decade     unopened
we don't have enough sunlight to make it work        grow light
i guess just a rasberry pi in a plastic box 
would work for that

if that could connect to a
HDMI Ethernet USB device via Ethernet 
could that work?  would that be good?
is there some other way?  that people use
can squeak/scratch talk to squeak/scratch via Ethernet ? wifi?

so i guess i could use one of these $140 piTops
to run the tomatoe robot

but i kind of think i would rather have a pocket
pi Linux running a monitor and keyboard
and just run the Ethernet cable over there
to the robot
every now and again
or wifi to it i guess         but we seem to get a lot of wifi interference

probably connecting piTop to a pocket Linux or
even a pocket Windows
via wifi or USB or Ethernet using sockets would be easiest 
it's the communication part i have never tried yet
and it would be so cool

maybe i could even get my wife in on it
she did Smalltalk in college before she entered into the dark side

i don't know the mechanics 
but i guess i have access to a kid who knows that

so basically it's just a failure to communicate 
that stops it

On Friday, July 1, 2016, Kjell Godo <squeaklist@gmail.com> wrote:

On Friday, July 1, 2016, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:

> On 30-06-2016, at 11:13 PM, Kjell Godo <squeaklist@gmail.com> wrote:
> that's very nice
> personally i want just a small
> pocket sized box with more RAM +
> HDMI , USB , Ethernet , power
> like a pocket Linux PC

I think we call them ‘cellphones’ these days?

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
I am still waiting for the advent of the computer science groupie.