Mariano Martinez Peck escreveu:
Casimiro: Many thanks for the help. Ï did all you said I now I get "a?" "e?" "u?" and so on instead of "´a" "´e"....however, I didn't get "á", "é" and "ú". Any ideas? Ahh which would be the correct value for LC_CTYPE for english?  "pt_EN" ???

Katerina: I test the etoys image you said with the normal vm (not etoys vm) and there they work perfect the keys! What could be the difference? The problem is I would like to use Demian image, not etoys. So, the only thing I could do is the link you told me about the
russian support ?

many thanks for the help,


On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Katerina Barone-Adesi <> wrote:
> Hi everybody! I am using Ubuntu 8.04, latin american keyboard, squeak 3.9
> vm, squeak 3.10.2 of Damien Cassou. The problem is that I cannot type
> symbols like: "á" , "ó", "ú" and so on....If I press the keys for those
> symbols I get "´a" "´o" and "´u" respectively. So, I guess it can be a
> problem with UTF8.
> Does some know how can I fix this? is there somewhere in the squeak image I
> have to set the encoder ?

Given that you get ´a, etc, I assume you're using deadkeys.  The only
way I know of to get deadkeys to work under Squeak is to use the OLPC
image; unfortunately, they don't appear to work in any of the images (3.9 or 3.10), or Damien Cassou's.  You can get it
from .  I forget if
you need to use the OLPC vm too or not;
has instructions if just using the image with your current VM isn't

If you're not using deadkeys, the above should still work, but you
also have an alternative:  following the instructions at .  The page focuses on Russian
support, but the image that results from following it also works for
Spanish.  If you really want to use something based on Damien Cassou's
image and don't need deadkeys, try this (and tell me if it works for
you, and if not, what's wrong); otherwise, the OLPC instructions above
should be easier.

I hope this helps.
Katerina Barone-Adesi


I guess that unsing LC_CTYPE="en" will just kill your dead-letters. I'm using a US keyboard (no ç or anything like that in the keyboard) and I use the LC_CTYPE="pt_BR" for the sake of composing  ' +  c = ç and ' + a = á. So I think you should try LC_CTYPE="es". I agree about the strageness of using a pt_BR (should be a pt_EN). BTW, in Linux my keyboard is configured as : "USA Alternative international (former us_intl) (gnome preferences menu). Besides, the system language is set to Portuguese (Brasil) (Administration menu, Language settings. Must have root access).

As you are having trouble, perhaps your system idiom is not set to Spanish... or the system encoding is not set to UTF-8 (that should be the default). You can try to change SQUEAK_ENCODING and TEXTENC to "latin9" or "latin1" or ISO8859-1... Anyways, I think that character selection is something that must be perfected in squeak :(

BTW, I'm using Fedora rel 9. But my configuration should be the same to work in Ubuntu.

