Hi all, found just another bug. If you get tired of them, just tell me :-)

Steps to reproduce:

Print it:

class := Object subclass: #CTTèstClass "sic (with accent in name)!"
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'CT-Experiments'.
class compile: 'foo ^ #foo'.
(class >> #foo) timeStamp

Expected output:

Something like 'ct 12/21/2019 15:13'.

Actual output:


Please note that everything would have worked fine if we named class #CTTestClass (without accent) instead.

Do we want to support special class names in general? If yes, this is a bug in my opinion. If no, we should raise an error in the first statement.

Cause of infection not yet investigated.

