Hi all,
If you don't like the Squeak language as it is, all you need to do is to write a new compiler and use it for compiling the methods of your own classes. Many different languages can co-exist in the same image without problems. VW has done it; the methods of some classes were written in SQL when I looked at it several years ago. I've done it when I got rid of the annoying class companion, the metaclass. (Several of my classes shared the same metaclass). The experiment didn't lead where I wanted to go, so I abandoned it. My BabyIDE environment for DCI programming does it by extending Traits with knowledge about the (DCI) Context of the methods. None of it exactly straight forward, but doable.

Here are some details if you're interested

Most programming languages such as Java are used to specify complete programs. The 'original' of a program is its text form. A compiler translates to a binary form.

There is no Smalltalk language in this sense. The 'original' of a program is its binary form as an object structure in the image. The creation of a new class object is done by a process in this image.  Usually, this is done by a command in the Browser. The common textual form for defining a new class is a 'doIt'; a statement to be interpreted by the image. The so called Smalltalk language is used to specify methods; one method at the time. The compilation and installation of a method is done by the class; the methods of different classes can be specified in different languages.

So, if you really want a different syntax, you can write your own compiler and share it with other people who share your interests. There's no need for an up-front decision and translation of all legacy code.

Many interesting experiments could be made this way.

On 2011.06.01 03:24, Juan Vuletich wrote:
info@tomsik.cz wrote:
On Tue, 31 May 2011 22:01:14 +0200, Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com> wrote:

"info@tomsik" == info@tomsik cz <info@tomsik.cz> writes:

info> In short: 1.) binary messages make sense only for math. I've never
info> implemented even one binary message, have you? (for non-math
info> things)

info> Why not step further and make dsl for equations? let them live
info> outside of language.  (with everything common to math world)

info> 2.) keyword messages with more than 2 arguments are just ugly -
info> they smell in the "missing another object" way. And 2 arguments
info> are rare too. I would allow one argument at top.

So, you've now eliminated both possible ways of creating a new Point:

    3 @ 4
    Point x: 3 y: 4

I'll go few steps further to show big-picture in hypothetical syntax
(one-argument closures with argument as implicit receiver, no returns -> CPS)

Point new: [x: 3, y: 4, printOn: aStream].
<rcvr> <msg>: <arg>[<msgForNew>: <arg>, <msgForNew>: <arg>, <msgForNew>: <arg>].
concepts: always left-to-right (receiver->message->argument), no parentheses -> uniformity
returns: nothing, does something

So, #new: creates a point without values for x and y... What if I want to only build objects that make sense, meaning that their instance variables must conform to some invariant defined by the class?

(Point x: 3 y: 4) printOn: aStream.
(<rcvr> <msg>: <arg> <key2>: <arg2>) <msg>: <arg>.
concepts: sometimes left-to-right, depending on parentheses and message-type (syntax)
returns: aPoint, which won't be used anyway, because it was printed already.

Easy choice. This is much nicer.

Juan Vuletich

I wonder what language we would end up with if all of your (even
conflicting) goals were implemented.

The more syntax you eliminate, the more you end up with LISP.  Maybe you
want LISP... you know where to find it!

I'm not saying "let's drop objects", I'm saying "let's simplify language, let's drop unused/misused/bad-in-long-process things"

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Trygve Reenskaug       mailto: trygver@ifi.uio.no

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