I have not only several Squeak images , also Cuis and Cuis forks.
Here a quick resume
Squeak from 1.x until 4.1 could be open by old stack machines like John McIntosh for Mac and old Unix stack VM which still instal in Ubuntu and Ubuntu forks this days.
4.6 is the release which change to Cog,
In fact I have 4.6 derivated from before the change and I could run this old images in G4 Power PC Macs and Pentium IV Ubuntu boxes
For 4.6 from http://ftp.squeak.org/4.6/ you see Squeak4.6-15102 but  this could be  updated from trunk and still be Cog.
>From 5.1 until today the VM must be Spur.

Spur do not open older images.
Cog could open some 4.x , but you was forced to continue using Cog, .image can’t be opened again by stack

My two cents.
I currently learning webassembly , so if people here like  learning I’m ready to exchange.
I have in the cooking phase of a Cuis derivate image which have KomHV for the back end and Amber , Morphic.js and sevearl Git .js useful libraries on the front .
