Hi all,
I think I understand both points of view. What /I/ don't like about the two items in the Do menu is that I will only use them once, but these items will stay. After installing the Git infrastructure, I need to move over to the Tools menu, which is something you must know.
So let me add another proposal to the list:

1. Remove the two items from the Do menu.
2. Add the GitBrowser item to the Tools menu and prompt to install the Git infrastructure when the user clicks on it for the first time.
3. Add a dummy class Metacello and override doesNotUnderstand to again, prompt the user to install Metacello (and effectively replace the dummy class) when it's not found in the image. I'm sure we could make something like that work.

This way, we could get rid of the two items in the Do menu and provide their functionality when they're actually needed. Plus, we only need to maintain an item and a dummy class as part of trunk.

Maybe that's a good compromise?


On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 6:29 AM Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Dave, we're discussing how to integrate these tools into the IDE
more elegantly.  I'd like to hear your thoughts on how we can do that.
So far, after much discussion, FIVE proposals* have made it to the
table, at least one of which is good with both Jakob and I.

1. Tools or Apps menu.
2. Extending the System workspace
3.  SqueakMap
4. "ensureMetacello" at the top of README's.
5. Include all of it in trunk

I appreciate your point about the consistency of Tools items opening a
window or not, but this is benign and the Do menu is almost certainly
not the university's "final solution" to configuration of github
projects.  Its worth discussing how to elegantly include Squeak in
these projects.  Please help.

 - Chris