
Definitely. Indeed this beginner was not aware of the preference.

Eventually I tweaked the code to comply with the deprecation warning. But that could happen only because I learnt Smalltalk before Etoys. Which may not be the case for younger users.


On 9/21/19 1:29 AM, Jakob Reschke wrote:
It would be cool if users could turn the warnings off from the notifier that warns them. Then they wouldn't have to know that there is a preference, they would be told so right away.

Am Sa., 21. Sept. 2019 um 10:16 Uhr schrieb Thiede, Christoph <Christoph.Thiede@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de>:
You can turn off deprecation warnings in the preferences for now. :)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christoph Thiede

Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH, Potsdam
Amtsgericht Potsdam, HRB 12184
Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel

On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 7:39 AM +0200, "Nicola Mingotti" <nmingotti@gmail.com> wrote:


This evening I learnt the basic of Etoys doing the "Falling ellipse" example from the book "Squeak - Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications" (Guzdial pg.164-172).

Problem. There are so many deprecation warnings going through this simple exercise (in Squeak-5.2 #update 18232) that only a highly motivated person would be patient enough to kill/ignore all of them.

For the moment I am not able to fix it myself, better I can do is to signal you the issue;)
