On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Benoit St-Jean <bstjean@yahoo.com> wrote:
Good idea.  I'd be willing to put some time and effort in such a project.  I'm on Windows and can test for DB/2, Oracle, InterBase, MySQL and SQL Server if need be.  It would be cool to have a complete coverage of the ODBC API and have a package that is "self-contained" (no dependency on a particular TimeStamp implementation defined elsewhere for instance).  We should use/fix whatever is broken/missing in the "base" image.

Is this the start of a new project?  ;)

I'd be happy to help improve the current ODBC state, keeping in mind that I already asked for (and received!) the start of a new project, FlexDB (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6051) in order to implement Threaded ODBC connections.  Granted, when Klaus and Igor get going, I can hardly keep up, but I am very excited about the possibility!  The goal of FlexDB was to do most of the work in Smalltalk with a minimal "mini-driver" layer.

In the meantime, however, it would be great for others to have an up-to-date version of the basic ODBC capabilities if they need it!

In terms of "complete coverage of the ODBC API," it would be great to add some functionality at the primitive level (I still haven't gone THERE yet!) in order to be able to get schema information, etc...  My big interest is a "dream" development tool in my mind that would combine the best of data warehousing tools, straight database tools, spreadsheets, and at the bottom of it all, Smalltalk, in an environment that could seamlessly allow you access to external data with the ability to drop down into the underlying collections and manipulate them at will as required!

Anyway...yes?  Keeping in mind that I WANT to lots of things and am not as fast as I'd like to be so I tend to sort of "over commit" a bit, but I'd be happy to share my understanding and test things out as well.  I work in a hospital with LOTS of data sources and plenty of things to practice on.

Take care,
