Hmm... HierarchyBrowser has a cache in #classList. Browser has no such cache. Browser >> #hierarchicalClassList is slow.

Also, class compilation is so slow because of SmalltalkImage >> #logChange:.

84.7% {13730ms} SmalltalkImage>>logChange:
      84.6% {13718ms} SmalltalkImage>>forceChangesToDisk
            79.6% {12899ms} MultiByteFileStream(StandardFileStream)>>close
             |79.6% {12899ms} MultiByteFileStream(StandardFileStream)>>unregister
           4.9% {798ms} SecurityManager class>>default


Am 22.08.2019 18:45:43 schrieb gettimothy via Squeak-dev <>:

"Try this one wierd trick"

Object subclass: #Foo
          instanceVariableNames: ''
          classVariableNames: 'PageId PageTitle Lua'
          poolDictionaries: ''
          category: 'Foo-Bar'.

"Open a browser and highlight the Foo-Bar category. Then.."

1 to:3000  do: [:each | | newclassname|
    newclassname := ('FooBar', each asString) asSymbol.
     Foo subclass: newclassname
          instanceVariableNames: ''
          classVariableNames: ''
          poolDictionaries: ''
          category: 'Foo-Bar']

"Your system should slow to a crawl.
Be patient and click off of the 'Foo-Bar' category and the system should free up.

Now open a HierarchyBrowser on Foo
Things will continue to work smoothly.

Conclusion? Something funky with Browser.

Foo allSubclasses do: [:each |
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: (each name)
Smalltalk removeClassNamed: #Foo
ClassOrganizer removeCategory:'Foo-Bar'


I am on a "import that as a class" kick for SeasideDock and the WikitextParser I am working on.

I am comfortable working with these classes as I have learned to NEVER open certain categories and use the HierarchyBrowser when I need to scan the classes therein.

Thought somebody might be intrigued with the "Why" of this on purely technical grounds. I am not that guy (:

