Hi Eliot --

I uploaded a template to be completed. Something is tricky in the CI but the skeleton is there:


I am trying to figure out why the page does not build:



Am 14.12.2021 17:21:21 schrieb Marcel Taeumel <marcel.taeumel@hpi.de>:

Hi Eliot --

You can find older instructions here: http://source.squeak.org/ss.html (Wiki page)

Yes, I think we should add a new section on https://squeak.org/development/ under "Develop Your Own Applications" that explains how to set up SqueakSource/Monticello yourself.

Take the "Development process" as an example:

is the source for https://squeak.org/development/#development-process-1

is the source for https://squeak.org/development_process/

So, I think we could add in a similar fashion:
- _development/squeaksource_server.md
- _pages/squeaksource_server.md

And put updated information there. Maybe starting with the Wiki page above. A pull request would allow us to review the changes first. After merging, the CI (GitHub Actions) will update the new pages automatically.


Extending Monticello/MCZ to have an equivalent to readme.md is challenging. It's way easier to just add a ConfigurationOfCryptography to squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and document everything there. :-) 

Well, you could also add an empty "MyProjectReadme" package to your repository and use the commit message as an explanation of how to load the project. :-D No need to change the MCZ format.


Am 14.12.2021 15:44:06 schrieb Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:

Hi all,

I want to add and satisfy two requirements for Monticello repositories.

The first is that
- there is a page on squeak.org that describes how to set up a Monticello repository and either points to the code necessary to build a Monticello repository image, or points to downloadable Monticello repository image & changes files. There is at least two paragraphs on Monticello in the Welcome workspace/Help tool that cover its general power (distributed VCS that can work fully disconnected) and how easy it is to set up.

The second is that repositories and repository inspectors are extended to include the equivalent of a README.md, a top-level readme for the entire repository, in which repository maintainers can give high-level, lay-of-the-land information. The README would appear at the top of the list of packages in a repository inspector.

The first requirement is for developers who wish to set up private and/or personal Monticello repositories. This is easy to do, but only if one knows how. Currently that information is missing from squeak.org and the Welcome workspace/Help tool.

The second requirement is to make loading code from repositories easier. I just had to ask Levente how to load a full configuration from the Cryptography repository because there is no where in the repository, visible from within the image, specifically visible from a repository inspector, to get this info.

Can we make this so?

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