Hi, Bob.

That's part of my motivation for Vivide:

... #fancyEditor openScriptWith: someObjects ...



Am 25.01.2018 15:09:46 schrieb Bob Arning <arning315@comcast.net>:

Doesn't need to be limited to String-like things either. I use something similar such that:

Smalltalk keys sorted bobEdit

opens a workspace with:

1 - ADPCMCodec
2 - ADPCMCodecPlugin
3 - AEDesc
4 - AGenieIntroduction
5 - AIFFFileReader
6 - AMPCommunicator
...and so on...

Handy if you need to email the contents of some collection.

On 1/25/18 7:33 AM, David T. Lewis wrote:
This is a nice clear solution. Easy to remember, and it works in MVC too.


On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 08:36:17AM +0100, Marcel Taeumel wrote:
Hi Eliot, hi all --

For this scenario, we should use the UI-Manager-Tool-Abstraction. :-) It is "UIManager default edit: 'foo' label: 'bar'". Works for Strings and Texts.

Hi restored the missing #openInWorkspaceWithTitle: as deprecated and added #edit to String and Text:

http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-60Deprecated-mt-9-mcz-tp5064321.html [http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-60Deprecated-mt-9-mcz-tp5064321.html]
http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt-119-mcz-tp5064323.html [http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt-119-mcz-tp5064323.html]
http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-GetText-mt-45-mcz-tp5064324.html [http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-GetText-mt-45-mcz-tp5064324.html]


'Hello, World!' edit.
'Hello, World!' asText addAttribute: TextEmphasis bold; edit.


Am 24.01.2018 23:18:02 schrieb St??phane Rollandin <lecteur@zogotounga.net>:
So should we have a class side method on StringHolder, openOn:label: for example, or put back the most convenient openInWorkspaceWithTitle?
Why not both?
