Hi All,

Thank you Craig for jumping right in!  I would encourage everyone else to follow Craig's lead.  I know some people like to wait but the more candidates the better.  

The lack of candidates shouldn't be an incentive for people to run and a large number of candidates shouldn't be a reason for you to decide against volunteering to run!  We have had some excellent people run and not be elected that would have been terrific members of the board!  You show your commitment to Squeak just by running!  For those of you that say you don't have the time or are not sure what you would have to do, we have had some excellent answers in the past.  There is no requirement or specific demands and the board decides when and how it will meet.  Most, if not all, meetings are electronic so the demands on your time are very low!  Plus the members are all terrific people you will enjoy working with!

Jump on in and add your name to the candidate list!


Ron Teitelbaum

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 2:49 AM Craig Latta <craig@blackpagedigital.com> wrote:

Hi all--

     I'd like to serve on the Squeak Oversight Board in 2019. With you
and my fellow board members, I intend to continue...

-    ...representing Squeak at conferences, including ESUG and the
     International Conference on Live Coding[1].

-    ...maintaining the agenda and notes at the board meetings. I
     anticipate having the time to make posts to the board blog this

-    ...developing symbiosis between the Squeak, JavaScript, and Web
     platform communities through my work with Caffeine[2] and

     I would be honored to have your vote.




[1] http://iclc.livecodenetwork.org/2019/ingles.html
[2] https://caffeine.js.org
[3] https://squeak.js.org

Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
Amsterdam :: San Francisco
+31   6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
+ 1 415  287 3547 (no SMS)