Hi, Dave.

Thank you for the reference. :-)

There is more documentation on this topic in a paper:
"Evolving User Interfaces From Within Self-sustaining Programming Environments: Exploring the Project Concept of Squeak/Smalltalk to Bootstrap UIs"


Am 09.04.2018 04:47:12 schrieb David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com>:

On Sun, Apr 08, 2018 at 11:23:53AM -0700, tim Rowledge wrote:
> Although Eliot's little REPl thing for image testing is cool, it is minimal and would need extending to be generally useful. I took a quick amble down the rabbit-hole to see what other REPL things people have made for Squeak and it looks to me that the most advanced one was the REPL package within www.squeaksource.com/SecureSqueak
> It's quite old and includes classes like ANSIStream (which I'm going to guess was a pre-i18n work way of dealing with the Squeak charset issues). It apparently "Requires Comanche (or at least ConnectionHandler and SocketStream)." to quote from the swiki page where I found out about it (http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/2648)
> A modernised version would be a nice thing to have. I'm pretty much certain I've heard of work on a 'squeak shell' too - which I suspect would be Craig? Am I remembering something about 'squish'? - but I can't find anything right now.

I think I also recall some earlier discussion of 'squish', though I cannot find a
reference to it now.

I have been using the label "Squeak Shell" for many years in the toolbar->Apps menu
to refer to the CommandShell window, and 'sqsh>' is the prompt string that is displayed
in the console when you connect a CommandShell to the stdin/stdout/stderr streams.

I should probably change the old labeling that I use for CommandShell, because a much
more important use of the term "Squeak Shell" is in for Marcel's SqueakShellProject in
package 'SqueakShell' at http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/hirschfeld/squeaksource/SqueakShell.
This is a small package that really needs to be moved to trunk, but that is a separate
topic, and not related to this thread.
