On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Herbert König <herbertkoenig@gmx.net> wrote:
Killed the image after 56 files

The update URL was correctly set to 4.5 but it loaded from trunk, no update related preference would change this.

Loaded my mcz by dragging it on the desktop, opened a browser which via some animation slid into making a button unreadable.
Each click into a list started another animation of resizing the browser panes.

How can I stop this? This really is distracting. Inspectors also animate, as well as the debugger which is extremely unhelpful.

These are Smart Horizontal and vertical splitters preference


And there is no welcome Workspace open. Though closing them is an annoyance to people like me I still vote for having them open like prior releases.



Am 27.01.2014 18:51, schrieb Herbert König:


wanted to start banging, opened a MC Browser to try my apps, selected the local package cache and on clicking 'open' it started
to update from trunk and asked for a user name for source.squeak.org/trunk, suggesting cmm.

By now I hit cancel 33 times, each time a mcz was downloaded and installed.

I'll continue reporting



Am 27.01.2014 17:51, schrieb Chris Muller:
It's ready for your final testing and scrutiny!


Please bang on this!  Test it with your apps.  Test it in Windows,
iOS, Linux.  Interpreter and Cog.

Unless we hit any show-stoppers, this will be the one we can call "done."

Thanks to this great community of brilliant developers for making 4.5
a superb release.