Thanks Phll.

Saludos / Regards,
Germán Arduino

2018-03-14 18:32 GMT-03:00 Phil B <>:

On Mar 10, 2018 7:52 AM, "Germán Arduino" <> wrote:
Hi Phil:

2018-03-09 19:12 GMT-03:00 Phil B <>:

For client-side, a fairly heavily modified version of WebClient.

This version is published somewhere?

No, just my own private version.  The version in the main Cuis repo (packages dir) is what I'd recommend starting with.

For server-side, I actually started with your port of Aida which I updated ( and went from there.  Before that I was using Seaside on Pharo but didn't want to deal with getting Unicode support (among other things) into Cuis at the time, which would have been needed for Seaside.  We talked about it on the Cuis list but it sounded like I was pretty much the only one doing web apps at the time and the path of least resistance seemed to be Aida.  Glad I ended up going that route as there are things that I definitely liked better about the Aida approach vs Seaside. (Though both frameworks are good starting points)

ahh, interesting I'm seeing several repos with names that I know :) but if yours are more updated I should use these instead of mines (A long time without touching these stuff from my part).

The versions I published were the versions you published updated to the latest updates from Janko at the time so I'd recommend starting with the versions from my repo.


Thanks you very much!