Philippe Marschall wrote:
2007/12/30, Alan L. Lovejoy <>:

I spent the the last hour rooting around in the latest version of the
iCalendar package from SqueakSource.  I see lots of code for parsing and
representing iCal recurrence rules,

Yes, for quite some time that was the only thing the package did
because computing the occurrences is a bit tricky.

but can't find any code that
actually attempts to generate the set of occurrences specified by the rules.

Am I missing something?

If you load one of the later jbj versions you should get the code
described by Jason, see the added tests in ICEventTests for example


I didn't see any "jbj" versions yesterday.  And today, both the "Versions" tab and the "Latest" tab report "No matching public versions available".
