'From Pharo6.0 of 13 May 2016 [Latest update: #60540] on 28 April 2018 at 10:39:52.840614 pm'! !Gofer methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: 'SeanDeNigris 6/13/2014 17:53'! loadBleedingEdge "Load the baseline of the previously specifed configuration." ^ self loadVersion: #bleedingEdge! ! !Gofer methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: 'CamilloBruni 9/18/2012 19:10'! loadStable "Load the stable version of the previously specifed configuration." ^ self loadVersion: #stable! ! !Gofer methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: 'CamilloBruni 9/12/2013 11:00'! loadDevelopment "Load the development version of the previously specifed configuration." ^ self loadVersion: #development! ! !Gofer methodsFor: 'operations' stamp: 'CamilloBruni 9/18/2012 19:11'! loadVersion: anMetacelloVersionIdentifierSymbol "Load the given version name" ^ self execute: GoferMetacelloLoad do: [ :operation| operation version: anMetacelloVersionIdentifierSymbol ]! ! !Gofer methodsFor: 'repositories-places' stamp: 'CamilloBruni 9/18/2012 18:27'! smalltalkhubUser: aUserName project: aProjectName self repository: (MCSmalltalkhubRepository owner: aUserName project: aProjectName)! ! !Gofer methodsFor: 'references' stamp: 'CamilloBruni 9/18/2012 18:52'! configurationOf: aProjectName "Add a package reference to the configuration of the given project" references addLast: (GoferConfigurationReference name: aProjectName)! !