On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:
On Fri, 14 May 2010, christophe.jalady@free.fr wrote:

Just print this two scripts:

s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun.

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun.

I've seen that "ByteString>>stringHash:initialHash" use a primitive. Could we
have such optimisation for WideString ?

Sure. There are (at least) four ways to do it:
1) Update the implementation of the primitive to support wordarrays. Then build a vm with it and finally change the image side code. This would be the best IMHO. Is there a reason why the primitive is not implemented this way?
2) Use NativeBoost to write a primitive for this method. This is much easier than building a vm/plugin, though you have to write the code in X86 assembly. This would be a cool demo for NativeBoost's primitive writing capabilities. (Much better than the Fibonacci-number calculator. :))
3) Use Exupery, I think it can optimize methods like this.
4) Use the Cog VM. ;) (I wonder how fast this method is with Cog.)

2.66GHz Intel Core i7 MacBook Pro (my new tool!!!!).  Current Cog, my 3.8 derived work image:

s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 16

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 10

s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 15725

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 11078

Current 4.1/Squeak 4.1.1beta2U.app:
s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 98

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 31

s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 100660

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 29476

Current 4.1/current Cog
s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 14

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 10

s := WideString with: (Character value: 16r55E4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 14946

s := ByteString with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4)
with: (Character value: 16rE4) with: (Character value: 16rE4).
[100000000 timesRepeat: [s hash]] timeToRun. 10171

So quite a bit faster :)


