John, in 64 bits linux version it does not work, the image totally breaks just trying to get the player. I think it's a vm related problem, as it also breaks when trying to play recorded sounds using the etoys "sounds" tile  ( ).


2008/6/24 John M McIntosh <>:
In order to get the GStreamer plugin to work on OS-X in a more friendly fashion I need someone
with deep knowledge of ranlib, libtool, ln (etc)  to build an installable set of the GStreamer plugins
so that you can install the "Good" GStreamer set on an arbitrary macintosh without having to
install the 1000 or so packages if you follow the (very unix like) MacPorts or Fink installation process.

As far as I know the Linux version of the plugin is ok, and there are people working on the Windows flavour, but
sadly the macintosh version is not available.
John M. McIntosh <>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.