I think you'll find that now works as you expect with the code I posted earlier (once you use the #findSelector2 instead of #findSelector).

After posting the code I started wondering about other possible odd situations, like what is expected from

self x: 1; y: 2

Right now it considers the selector to be #x:y: . Easy enough to fix, but is the right answer #x:, #y: or nothing?


On 3/2/13 8:57 PM, Yoshiki Ohshima wrote:
Yay to people.  But here is one more challenge to the community ^^;

Back when we weren't using := for assignment, you even didn't have
select a line but just click on a line something like:

a _ self beep: nil.

and press Cmd-m to get the implementors for example.  I've been
missing this convenience since we adopted :=...

-- Yoshiki