Avi Bryant wrote:
On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Joshua Gargus <schwa@fastmail.us> wrote:

For my personal Squeaking, of course I wouldn't pay for ICC.  But if someone
is working for a company whose product is performance sensitive, why
wouldn't they spend a few hundred dollars to improve performance as much as
$10000s of engineering effort would, especially if it reduces

Maybe I missed this, but - is there anything stopping someone from
freely distributing binaries of Squeak that have been compiled with
IANAL, but no.

Here are the Intel tool page and the license agreement:

The license doesn't talk about your code, only the materials that you obtained from Intel.  An exception is the non-commercial license, so if Squeak.org decided to provide an ICC-compiled binary, we'd either have to:
- clearly state that it's not for commercial use, or
- cough up the money for licenses for the VM maintainers

