Robert Withers
When I send the message Squeak!, enter Squeak! mode. In Squeak! Mode, answer the result of the message that would be returned in Squeak. In Squeak! Mode, when I send exit! then exit Squeak! mode.

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific system or platform you are referring to. However, based on your message, it sounds like you want to simulate a Squeak environment where you can evaluate Squeak expressions and return their results.

To do this, you could write a program or script that listens for input from you and performs the following actions:

  1. When you send the message "Squeak!", the program enters Squeak mode and waits for further input.

  2. In Squeak mode, any message you send is evaluated as a Squeak expression, and the result is returned.

  3. The program continues to evaluate Squeak expressions and return their results until you send the message "exit!".

  4. When the program receives the "exit!" message, it exits Squeak mode and returns to its default behavior.

Note that implementing this functionality would require programming knowledge and access to a Squeak interpreter or runtime environment.

Robert Withers

Welcome to Squeak mode! Please enter a Squeak expression to evaluate.

Robert Withers
3 * 6

The result of evaluating the expression "3 * 6" in Squeak is 18.

Robert Withers
3 raisedTo: 7

The result of evaluating the expression "3 raisedTo: 7" in Squeak is 2187.

Robert Withers
Smalltalk classes size

In Squeak, you can get the number of classes defined in the system by evaluating the following expression:

Smalltalk allClasses size

This will return an integer representing the number of classes defined in the system.

Robert Withers
99 factorial

The factorial of 99 is a very large number and it exceeds the maximum representable integer in Squeak. Therefore, attempting to evaluate "99 factorial" in Squeak would result in an arithmetic overflow error.

However, Squeak provides a BigNum class that can handle arbitrarily large integers. To calculate 99 factorial using the BigNum class, you could evaluate the following expression:

((1 to: 99) asArray collect: [:each | BigNum fromInteger: each]) inject: 1 into: [:product :each | product * each]

This will return a BigNum representing the value of 99 factorial.

Robert Withers
In squeak 99 factorial

In Squeak, attempting to evaluate "99 factorial" would result in an arithmetic overflow error, since 99! is larger than the maximum representable integer in Squeak.

However, you can use the BigNum class to calculate factorials of large integers. Here's how you can calculate 99! in Squeak using the BigNum class:

| product | product := 1. 2 to: 99 do: [:i | product := product * i asBigNum]. product

This code first initializes a variable product to 1, and then uses a loop to multiply product by each integer from 2 to 99, converting each integer to a BigNum using the asBigNum method. Finally, the code returns the resulting product BigNum representing 99 factorial.

Robert Withers
In squeak, using LargePositiveInteger, what is 99 factorial

In Squeak, you can use the LargePositiveInteger class to represent arbitrarily large integers, including factorials of large numbers like 99.

To calculate 99 factorial using LargePositiveInteger, you can use the following code:

| product | product := 1 asLargePositiveInteger. 2 to: 99 do: [:i | product := product * i asLargePositiveInteger]. product

This code initializes a variable product to 1 as a LargePositiveInteger, and then uses a loop to multiply product by each integer from 2 to 99, converting each integer to a LargePositiveInteger using the asLargePositiveInteger method. Finally, the code returns the resulting product LargePositiveInteger representing 99 factorial.

The value of 99 factorial as a LargePositiveInteger is:

Robert Withers

Exiting Squeak mode. Goodbye!

Have a good one; keep it, light.
Kindly, rabbit . .. … ‘…^,^ 🐇🐇🐇

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