Mariano Martinez Peck escreveu:
I am very newbie with smalltalk, but I have some thoughts about this question.

- Markting (someone has already say it)
- Lack of investment (someone has already say it)
- Smalltalk is simple. And, as It says a friend of mine, simplest things doesn't sell. It might be complex. Complex things are the most sold.
Interesting that I've got other "arguments" against the adoption of smalltalk: "strange" (which can be translated as: "oh my God, where's main(), where's int myDummySomething(...)...) and "confuse" (meaning: where the hell I am supposed to look for references on classes and methods outside the ClassBrowser??? I need some written references for God sake...).
- Companies needs to spend many and spent their budgets
Not that but managers are just cautious to use tools that don't have "certified developers/users". Interesting enough, Linux ascended the sales ranks (at least around here) when companies started to "certify" developers. Not to mention that they started to employ the "black vali$e $ale$people" to counter the other vendors of "Janela$/Ventana$" OS...
- Databases support. Squeak for example, how can be used in many enterprise projects if there is only driver for mysql and postgres ? and Glorp only with postgres... We did a survey and they are just the 20% of the market (we need support for oracle, mssql, and so on.). Because of this, we are working in SqueakDBX.
- IDE. It has a lot of good things, but also a lot of limitations. I am very use to use  Eclipse. And sometime to miss some features about it.
That's an interesting point because this can lead to a UI model closer to Java: instead of having a dedicated "world", being able to open windows in the native environment (Windows, X-Window, OS-X). Anyways, GNU smalltalk can do that.
- There is no company (in squeak) behind it. Managers, owners, directors, and so on, many times need this. They need it in order to have someone to blame in case of problems.
But there is a foundation that formerly had support from Apple. A big task is to enhance the support of private ventures to the Squeak Foundation.

