I attach here some methods I using from a long time and let exchange serialized objects between Squeak, Cuts and Pharo (until 2.0 as they remove RefereneStream)

You could do wonderful tricks
X saveOnFileNamed: fileName export X  as fileName.obj
Drag and drop this in any .image which have this .cs and and Inspector rise letting you play with it.
I have a Squeak derived thing running www.squeakros.org on a Power Mac G4of 1989
uer: visita
pass: (let this in blank)

inside i convert all swiki page to .obj 
DivagacionesIndex is the class which lets me find , delete, rename the “pages”
Today DivagacionesIndex have 5786 pages as I use the system also

"DivagacionesIndex export"
self compact.
self default saveOnFileNamed: 'DivagacionesIndex' , DateAndTime now asUnixTime asString

import: aDictionary 
"DivagacionesIndex import: self"
Default := aDictionary
I have a running in the alpha based in a fork of Cuis 3.2 reduced and is easy export from Squeak to Cuis if i need.
Also for the users of system
DivagacionesUsers getDataBase explore gives 202 OrderedCollections with user name, email, password

As you see is a real use case.
Maybe Herbert have a complex use of JSON , which I also have nice examples to share with all

Feel free to send direct mail if you wish or I could chat on Skype,IRC,Facebook,Slack 

On Jan 11, 2017, at 16:14, Louis LaBrunda <Lou@Keystone-Software.com> wrote:

Hi Tobias,

What is the squeak equivalent of VA Smalltalk's ObjectLoader and ObjectDumper?
What do they do?

ObjectDumper serializes objects and ObjectLoader deserializes the resultant string.  They work
with in memory stream or disk files.  I think things like Fuel, Ma Serializer and SIXX would be
based on classes like ObjectLoader and ObjectDumper.  But I'm not sure.

I only need a very lite version so I don't think I need those full packages (again I'm not

Louis LaBrunda
Keystone Software Corp.
SkypeMe callto://PhotonDemon