Don't you guys have the root password/sudo privileges? Reboot the server from the console, no need to go to Hetzner's robot.


On Sat, Nov 24, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Chris Cunnington <> wrote:
Well, a couple of things.

The last time was down was May. At the time Ken accessed the Hetzner robot to reboot the server. I have an email saying he got access from Marcus.

I ssh'd into box2 and the squeakso process (seen with top -d 3) is now <defunct>. I think this means it is now a zombie having no parent process and that the problem can only be solved with a reboot.

Somebody needs to go to the Hetzner robot and flip the "reboot" switch. I would also point out that is is Thanksgiving in the USA, but not in France. I think Ken will be out of the picture for days. If somebody could contact Marcus (he's cc'd above) to flip the switch, perhaps that would be a solution.
