Hi Lawson,

I think it works on my Mac. What makes me believe so?

I inspect the following:
WebClient httpGet: 'https://www.google.com/search?q=squeak'

I get the following notifier twice:
Error: No certificate was provided(code: -1)

I expected that because of http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2010-September/153740.html. Why it fails twice, I don't know.

I Proceed twice and then I get an Inspector on a WebResponse with HTTP/1.1 200 OK. The content looks as if it might be correct.

I have Snow Leopard 10.6.4 on an Mac Pro (Dual-Core Intel Xenon). I use the Squeak 5.8b10 VM from John.

Here you can see how I installed the bundle after unzipping SqueakSSL-bin.zip:

By the way, Andreas, thank you very much for making this and everything else!


Am 05.10.2010 um 09:17 schrieb Lawson English:

The renamed title says it all. I'm wondering if any other Mac OS X Snow Leopard users have tried to get the SqueakSSL plugin working at all...

Its such a straight-forward, show-stopping issue that I gotta think that I'm either doing something entirely stupid, or no-one else has tried this particular configuration before.


On 10/4/10 7:56 PM, Lawson English wrote:
There WAS a quarantine bit, but I removed it by doing xattr -rd "com.apple.quarantine" SqueakSSL.bundle/  which removed the flag all the way down but I still get the same error. :-/

On 10/4/10 6:12 PM, Tom Rushworth wrote:
The '@' means there is an extended attribute set on the file.  Use "ls -l@ed" to see what it is.  If it is the "quarantine" bit, it won't execute unless you answer a popup dialog saying it is OK to do so.  You can use the "xattr" command to remove it.  There is no man page for xattr, but "xattr -?" gives an almost usable usage message :).

On 2010-Oct-4, at 13:41, Lawson English wrote:

The bundle is in the right place and all the permissions seem to be correct. There IS a difference between this and other plugins though:

the bundle has permissions drwxr-xr-x@ 4   vs   drwxr-xr-x  4  for other bundles.
the executable has permissions -rwxr-xr-x@ 4   vs   -rwxr-xr-x  4

could the '@' have anything to do with it?

Otherwise, I seem to be stuck.



On 10/4/10 10:59 AM, Andreas Raab wrote:
Hi -

Most likely this means that plugin isn't installed correctly. Make sure the bundle is in the right place (i.e., Contents/Resources) and that the actual executable (SqueakSSL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SqueakSSL) has executable permissions.

 - Andreas

On 10/3/2010 8:08 PM, Lawson English wrote:
I'm probably doing this completely wrong, but this fails:

(WebClient httpGet: 'https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi')

Error: primitiveSSLCreateFailed/

I've got the latest SqueakSSL package and plugin installed, and the
latest webclient on Squeak 4.1 VM.

The URL doesn't return a valid certificate anyway, its just an xml-rpc
portal for getting a login URL via an encrypted connection.
