Oh man, if only I’d known this over the weekend when I was showing my daughter how to use a script to create siblings of an autumn-colored sassafras tree leaf we’d drawn and she hit the ‘clock’ when I wasn’t watching and generated about 1200 leaves before I stopped it! J  Thanks once again for continuing to teach us the subtleties of Squeak, Scott!




From: squeakland-bounces@squeakland.org [mailto:squeakland-bounces@squeakland.org] On Behalf Of Scott Wallace
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:26 AM
To: Bob Irving
Cc: squeakland@squeakland.org
Subject: Re: [Squeakland] Deleting multiple copies of an object?


Hi, Bob,


The easiest thing in a situation like this is to select all the unwanted objects using "group select," then to hit the pink X halo-handle of the "group halo"  to delete all of the selected objects at once:


To do this, hold down the shift key as you mouse-down on the Squeak "desktop" somewhere above and to the left of the stack of unwanted objects, and then drag-through rightward and downwards, with the mouse-button still down, letting up on the button once the cursor is below and to the right of the stack of objects.  This will do a "group select" on all the objects enclosed by the selection rectangle thus drawn.  Now a simple click on the "X" of the resulting "group halo" will delete all of the selected objects at once.




  -- Scott


PS:  Note that this "group select" feature is also useful for repositioning a group of objects on the screen without changing their positions relative to one another.



At 11:32 AM -0400 10/11/05, Bob Irving wrote:

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I have a student who is programming a game.  Part of his script changed an object into a copy of another object.  Since copies of objects show up under the object, he didn't realize that he had make about 300 copies of this object.  Now he wants to get rid of them without deleting each one individually.  Is there a way to do this programmatically?


Thanks in advance,



Bob Irving
Middle School Technology Facilitator
Lancaster Country Day School
Lancaster, PA
Blog: www.e-lcds.org/wordpress/

"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." W. Edward Deming