Scott, Andreas,
Thank you. That helped.
I'll play with it some more.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Wallace []
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:34 PM
To: Darius Clarke
Cc:; Andreas Raab
Subject: RE: [Squeakland] Re: [Q]Some questions about scripting an eToy player

Hi, Darius,

I don't have the perfect answer to your query (perhaps Andreas will) but here are some observations that may be useful:

(1)  An easy way to achieve the effect you want, I think, would be to capture your gradient-graced sphere as a SketchMorph.  The reason is that there is a special feature available only to SketchMorphs that allows you to specify that their appearance not change as they rotate.  To do this:

* First create your object as an EllipseMorph with gradient fill, as before.

* Then obtain a SketchMorph from it using one of the new morph... grab... commands from the desktop menu.

* Remove the transparent pixels surrounding the resulting SketchMorph by using painting... erase pixels of color.. from its halo menu.

* The result is a SketchMorph of exactly the same size and shape and appearance as your original.

* Go to the SketchMorph's halo menu, choose painting... set rotation style... don't rotate.

Now you have a ball whose appearance will not change as you change its heading from a Viewer or from running code.

(2)  The intent of the rotation code is to take the *complete* appearance of the object when facing in its "forward  direction" and to rotate it rigidly by the required number of degrees.  That "complete" appearance includes drop-shadow, gradient direction, etc.

What you are asking for is directly at odds with that.  If you don't want to use the SketchMorph trick outlined above, then the best alternative I can think of is for you to give the object a ticking textual script that serves to counteract the effect of the rotation on the gradient direction.  Though I couldn't immediately and without careful thought write down a script that accomplished this, obviously it must be possible, though perhaps strenuous.  The script would presumably have code of the form "Sphere costume fillStyle direction: foo" or something similar.

(3)  A further thought is:  if you want the appearance to be unchanged, perhaps you shouldn't be changing the heading in the first place.  An alternative is to forego the built-in heading-changing feature such as "turn-by" and to do all your motion-related computations more directly instead.  Though this obviously  has its price, and the resulting scripts might be too obscure.

Hope these observations help, or at least don't hurt  ;-)


 -- Scott

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