On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:55 AM, mrsteve wrote:

I think it would be a good idea to browse the old site and list all the
things we should add to the new one, especially tutorials, documentation
and anything that helps people getting started.

I like the "Project Guides" in particular the "Grapher" it gets them thinking about motion and provides a nice "tool to think with" I particularly like the section at the end of the Grapher Project guide called "Challenges" this should be in every project guide so the kids/parents/teachers have suggestions on how they can build upon and/or use the what they have learned and/or what they created.

FYI all, just found a "historical artifact" that speaks to this.  On the current site map:


You'll see "Activities" underneath "Tutorials".   This was meant to contain the project guides from the old site.   As I recall, we ran out of time and VPRI decided to cut the page (which is why "tutorials" is the only section with three sub-sections.)

We also couldn't quickly think up another word that wasn't "guides" (to prevent confusion with the "quick guides") and "tutorials" (which is the section name).

Our current thinking is such things will attach to the "courseware", which will show up under "tutorials".  Also, we'll someday allow PDFs to be attached to projects in the showcase as well.

Take care,

Timothy Falconer
Squeakland Foundation
"Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do."  ... piaget