
This is the second time you have referenced "seed arithmetic" and both uses you mentioned provide very good metaphors to think about mathematics.   

Is there any good references on the various "seed games" I can look at?


On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:17 AM, K. K. Subramaniam <> wrote:
On Friday, May 28, 2010 12:52:40 pm Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
> I also added an Artifact DotInTable to represent collection of token in row
> and column.  It can be used to represent graphically the multiplication of
> two integers.
While on the topic of multiplication, the Holder Etoy is very handy for
learning about factorisation and prime numbers - one of the toughest topics
for young kids.

A child can draw a small toy and drop a number of its siblings (say 24) into a
Holder and then try to resize it using its yellow handle icon. The Holder
automatically adjusts its rows and columns into 6x4, 2x12 and so on. The count
can be displayed alongside by dragging a simple viewer from "Holder's count".

If the length and width viewers are also put alongside, then the game can be
used to learn about squares too.

As a kid, I used to play this game with a 10x10 grid (laid out in sand or on
the floor using chalk/coal) and a bag of seeds. Each player takes turns to pick
a handful of beans blindly from the bag and place them one-per-slot in a tight
rectangle to score as many points as the beans placed. The one who picks a
prime loses a point.

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