
You need to turn the soundReverb preference off (IMO this should be the default).

Go to preferences search for reverb after you check it hover over the name of the preference and click on the name and then from the menu click on "set automatically on startup ..." this will allow you to always have it off.

NOTE: you have to do the "set automatically on startup ..."  from the home screen on startup (IMO this should be doable at any time.


On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Christine Murakami <> wrote:



I just downloaded the newest version of Etoys and am having trouble recording high quality sounds. I pull the sound recorder out of the objects box, record my voice, and it sounds like I am in an echo chamber. I’ve tried a headset mic, as well as a built-in headset and speakers, and I’ve tried the same activity on another computer, with the same result.


I’m working on a Windows 7 machine, but the other computer I tried (unsuccessfully), was an XP computer. I haven’t tried it on a Mac or on an XO, so I don’t know if this is a more prevalent problem.


I would be most grateful for any suggestions or workarounds.




Christine Murakami

Technology Integration Specialist


56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH 43209



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