Dear Squeaklanders,

The SqueakFest '06 website has just gone live:

(Also linked from the homepage.)

We will continue to add to it as details become developed, but this is *the site* for SqueakFest '06 info and news.  

Please find the "Call for Presenters" via that page.  We ask those of you wishing to present to submit this online form as soon as possible. Presentations can be in the form of hands-on workshops, lecture-style presentations or panel sessions.

This year, thanks to support from Motorola, DiamondCluster, Columbia College, Chicago, Viewpoints Research and others, registration fees will be *waived* for presenters.

In addition, this year we have funds to provide some travel scholarships/stipends ($500.00) to presenters requiring travel assistance. Travel stipends will awarded based on circumstance and time of submission of proposals (i.e, first requests considered first).

Submissions for presentations are due by April 30th as we need ample time to review, notify those acccepted, create the program, etc., etc.

Online registration will be open in the next few weeks, please check again.

Please share this announcement with friends and colleagues you know that might be interested in presenting their experiences, research, projects, ideas.

Also please share the url with anyone you know that might wish to attend!

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago, in July.

Kim Rose, Wade Roberts, Neil Pagano, Carol Ann Stowe