you probably know this yet

They do not only have songs but also complete live concerts, interviews, radio shows...
At least some of the content is CreativeCommons, all of it is free, and a lot of it is available as mp3 and ogg.


On Nov 1, 2010, at 11:33 PM, Carlos Rabassa wrote:

I asked in a previous message how to incorporate music I have in an mp3 file into an Etoys project.

I posted the same question in OLPC-Sur a quite active forum with many participants in several south american countries.

The answer that showed me the way,  step by step,  was received from Paolo Benini a Volunteer with the Plan Ceibal Support Network in Montevideo.

Paolo pointed out to a video by another RAP Ceibal Volunteer,  Lino Bessonart from Ciudad de la Costa.

Paolo pointed me to several videos at

Where it says "Audiovisuales ETOYS",  Charla N°6, "Libro automático con música."

Lino puts a book together in the first part of this talk and adds the music in the second part.

The explanation is in Spanish but it is quite slow and detailed.

He constantly shows what he is doing so I don't think anyone with basic knowledge of Etoys,  will have any problem to follow his explanation.

May we thank both Paolo and Lino as well as RAP Ceibal for allowing us once again to keep our promise to answer Etoys question.

We answer the very few things we know and so far,  we have been able to find out through others the answers to the many things we don't know.

The payback is instantaneous,  not only we feel good helping our friends but we learn ourselves.

This message also answers another question.

Some of the people at Squeakland were very much interested when I showed them the program for the Educational Talks in Montevideo last October 16th.

They wanted to know what was covered in these talks.

Not sure if these are the same talks but they are an excellent example of what was explained by Lino and several other volunteers.

Carlos Rabassa
Plan Ceibal Support Network
Montevideo, Uruguay

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