On 02.08.2011, at 17:02, Christine Murakami wrote:

Hi Bert. 

I am so sorry to contact you so unofficially. Our school had a construction-related problem that has disabled our email (along with electrical, gas, water, etc!) so I wanted to contact you via my personal email address.

I have one last question about the holder script you shared. It's working great, but the tick rate for the holder's script doesn't seem to respond - or, what I really mean is that no matter how fast I set the tick rate, the rate is always the same. Is there a way to change the speed of the way the holder cycles through the frequencies that it plays? I don't want to individually change the size of every note unless that's the only way. I thought this was possible in animations, but for some reason, it doesn't work with the script I'm using.

My script implements timing differently, it does not rely on the ticking timer which may be less accurate. I have pasted the screenshot below again for reference. 

The width of each note determines its duration. The width divided by 100 is the duration in seconds. So if you want to speed it up just change that number. Dividing by 200  would make it twice as fast.

If you want to send this to the list, please feel free, but since I can't get my school's email, I also won't get the squeakland emails, so please copy this address so that I can continue working. It sounds like the school may be closed for a few weeks!

Thanks so much!


- Bert -